throwback to when i made the worlds worst minion cake
3 helpings today…
Suggestions on paint colors to match the tiles?
How bad is this crack??
Old progress
Gender issue
Malawi feed for other fish?
How are we still doing this...?
Is it time? And how to humanely euthanise?
10 weekers feeding frenzy
Best aquarium heater? Eheim just keep on letting me down
Phillip and Dorris…
Did my Oscar die of HITH?
Not loving my decor
How do I catch a fairly large pleco to relocate to larger tank
Found in a thrift store, my girlfriend and I are both stumped
17weeks old tomorrow 😊
Just 4 U vegans
What fish can live with an albino pacu?
Any ideas on how to upgrade this stairway?
14 week old nipping at faces
Looking for help/advice suck discus
Help me bring this pleco back to health? I just adopted him from a dirty small tank. He’s in a cycled 110 gallon now. He looks unhealthy (skinny and discoloring). Advice or tips? Thanks so much!!
I fixed our couch instead of replacing it over 2 years ago and it's still going strong