Please ID - JAR?
Please ID
Ideas on ID? Starfish? Found in Meramec Valley, House Springs, MO
Bivalve? Type of rock?
Which rock is this?
Cannondale F500 Caad3 $200 is that a good deal?
Type of rock/cause of recess
Identify: Artifact or JAR
Identify: Fossil vs Geologic?
What is this rock? I know those are dendrites, but what is the main rock? Common opal, Jasper?.. thanks!
Crinoid? Is that spiral in the pocket like a reverse fossil?
Ok maybe a long shot. This a preform? Found in one of the flint pit mines Eureka, MO
Thought y’all might appreciate this
TIFU by oversleeping, resulting in my boss discovering my hypothetical suicide letter on my work computer and then alerting my immediate family - all because I left my Google docs signed in.