Flare extracts now labelled in O menu? (Flare) Another small change not in patch notes [Screenshot]
[Discussion] 500h in, just used Bloody Rusted Key for the first time and, as a horror games lover, I was just amused by what I found inside.
[Screenshot] New Factory preview image in map select
You can now put paracord in special slots!
BSG with the biggest W update for PVE players. [Discussion]
[Discussion] Open EFT > see nowhere safe > close EFT
Give us more zombie free options [Feedback]
Why are scavs shooting me for killing zombies? [discussion]
Bone Decorated Potion has a lazy animation
I want to get a mullet like theo von. What can I do to get this hairstyle.
11th Anniversary Cake | What do you think?
New update causing game crashes?
New update brings me a big when enabling raytracing on.pc
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive update for 6/17/20
[Glitch] AHK Script for AFK horse betting (PC only)
guys we found a news flock seller!!!!
Test Server Weekend Feedback Thread