Templars can be sneaky too
Feedback would be cool, also any funny names are appreciated 👏
Some photos of the custodes I’ve been working on the past few weeks.
Finished my latest Blade Champion, looking for feedback.
First custodian
Cake Day WIP Valdor
My first member of the 10’000
Labelling the top of citadel pots
Should I keep the skull on or take it off?
Been practising my heads, how'd you rate them?
All of my minis so far since my start in November
Why do so many Custodes have mohawks?
I'm curious, what brought you all to the black templars?
Order of priority for adding units?
Noob question: why’s it flagging my war gear as invalid?
My John Blanche inspired Templars got selected to be in the Army Showcase at the Grand Narrative!
Brother Vadus (kinda looks like Darth Vader)
Finished painting both these boys today, which makes them brothers now
Progress on combat patrol
Could i please get some suggestions for a 1000 point Melee heavy list
Is this a roach?
Is this a cockroach?
4th Terminator, this time with added magnetic weapon options...
1000 point army help please. Tanks got cooked