I managed to get into Ante 12 with this cracked Joker setup, using almost only flushes!
Why Didn't Jacket Escape?
What kind of outfit(s) do you think Henchman wears when he isn’t working?
Who do think would win in a fight, The Henchman (with silenced pistol) or Jake (any mask)?
Coming soon…
Found this shi on instagram 💀
What do you guys think of this level cover? Is there anything I can improve on? Should the arms and hands be bigger since it's Jake's? (Look at the top comment for the credit of inspiration)
Had to Start the New Year Right
What would you name the club in Verdugo?
I experienced the life of a rich person in this run
Guys I can explain
How many times have you won the podium vehicle?
I did it.... I FUCKING DID IT
Some early Manny Pardo Christmas Fanart!
What happened jacket? 😔
What would you name the product/pills?
Should I move here?
I'm starting to make a sprite of a character with gore. How does it look? Is there anything else I should include in the gore?
Female Jacket
does this pic goes hard
Me and All of My Hirelings in My Disquieted Imprint. How Did I Do With the Drip?
He might be the one?
Ask me what to draw Manny Pardo doing and I’ll do it