Does anyone else feel like this game gets wayyyy less fun once the exploding spiders are implemented?
The matchmaking is really the only bad part of this game.
Such a legendary play
I've just defeated the cryogen and i really feel lost...
Why are healer ultis so stupidly braindead???
How do i preform that 360 attack with the sword?
Which Sekiro boss was this ?
When Does the Difficulty Spike?
I’m thinking of buying Sekiro. the only other soulsborne I’ve played is Elden Ring, what should I expect?
There's two types of people in this sub
What's the worst designed area in yall's opinion?
Bye Bye Inner Father: Longest 7 minutes Ever
I fucking hate romeo
What am i doing wrong??
Why is this game like this?
How in the fuck do i get better?
Why is gold so damn annoying???
Is death's gambit afterlife considered good amongst this community?
What made you guys decide to main BP.
Do you need to do NG+ to 100% complete this game?
Why are ppl so toxic in this game?
I need a game similar to Death's gambit Afterlife.
I just finished Death's gambit afterlife.