Be brutally honest, are there any countries that would accept us?
How do you think the "changing of the guard" will affect the Church?
Are you hopeful or pessimistic about the future of the Church
My sister writes incest fic
The Mediterranean diet's brain-boosting benefits may work by changing the balance of gut bacteria. Rats who "adopted the diet" developed distinctly different gut bacteria patterns, which correlated with improved memory and cognitive performance
Do any denominations actually support celibate gay relationships?
Do cults try to break you by "hitting you where it hurts?"
Following a rule as a lay celibate
Following a rule as a celibate laywoman
Question about candle lighting
Post-Reunification Roman Rite?
What are gay people supposed to do?
Majority of religious sisters in US are now 80 or over; more are age 95+ than under 40
Benevolent Galactic Empires/Federations
Looking for something to fill The Stand-shaped hole in my heart