If you’re a man, don’t ever hit on me or insinuate that you find me attractive. It’s gross.
Worst place you’ve had sex?
Who are you asking to ARAD prom?
Worst thing you’ve ever done at work? Did you get caught?
Does the green stuff get you in the mood?
Do you have a secret admirer? Lurkers: only upvote those you think are dreamy. Comment if you’d like to participate!
What's something you'd like to be told along with a good night kiss?
Might be an unpopular opinion y but I want to know other people’s thoughts on this.
Who did you turn down even though you really wanted to make that bad decision with them?
Who do you regret NOT sleeping with
Women who like women, your niece/cousin just came out to you and is asking you how to get pu$$y, what are you telling her?
What tips the scale from "they are attractive" to "I want to approach them" for you?
What’s keeping you awake right now?
ARAD, Playing music while having sex, yay or nay?
Have you ever texted an ex and regretted it? What happened?
Waffles, pancakes, or french toast?
What would make today perfect?
Do you prefer to buy toys online or in person?
What’s something you want to say to someone you’ve lost contact with?
Stoners, joint before or after sex?
How would you want a friend to show interest in you?
What’s on your mind?
What's a secret your keeping from your loved ones but are willing to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet?
What’s your best “I’m never drinking again” story?
Hi ARAD! Are you drinking tonight?