Your reminder to keep going...
Tips that helped you decrease hunger?
1st time attempting to make Steelhead Trout Nigiri, lets hear it from the masters. 🫣
Is this fine for a 6’ 230lb man?
work pays for my lunches, what would you do?
Weight loss is non linear. Right?
I just realized Riften is called "Riften" because it's the capital of The Rift. What other obvious things have I missed?
chicken wing calories are impossible to determine
edward’s music sounds so much like how dpdr feels like
Hit my target weight today
is 3.5 lbs of vegetables in one sitting unheard of?
Anyone interested in keeping a daily food log and sharing it at the end-of-day via email?
Today I learned that pork ternterloin has less calories, less cholesterol, and tastes better than chicken breast.
How could I create the sound of nothingness?
This schpongle's name is cheesecake.
Sushi is my favourite food
I have been trying to find these boots for weeks. I need help finding what they are called.
How accurate is total calories in Apple Watch?
In Search of Basque Cheesecake
is this sushi bad? took some bites and it literally tasted like bread. this grocery store usually has good sushi
For those no longer taking it: are you “cured”?
How do you bounce back after a long “relapse”?
New boots: Sendra 3241 in black cherry (should I add silver toe caps?)
Am I doing this right? 6'2 , M, 1500 calories a day
Smoking Smell Blindness