One of them uses my towel to clean the bathroom floor!?
Youtube Premium has Ads?!!
I’m down bad and I gotta share!?
Why is masturbation worse than raping a female captive of war?
Would this work now a days? Asking for a friend😅
Could someone translate this plz? Thanks
How to tell my family?
I Found a loophole in cash app: am I doing illegal? (Fraud?)
How often do you think about death?
So I found a loophole in cashapp that I may or may not have exploited, is it illegal/ a scam?
Is it better to play RDR and then RDR2 or do I not need to play the original?
[NY] I found a cashapp loop hole, is it fraud, or just against the TOS
Is jedaism even true
For people bright up very religiously, did you get taught about Sex ED and if so at what stage?
What is the sexiest instrument to play?
Is it a caler sore on that mouth-lip flap?
For people brought up very religiously, did you get taught about Sex ED and if so at what stage?
Up 4 Up I will return
I'll DM u some nsfw art if u upvote
Think we can do it?!
Imagine GTA 7 comes out before GTA 6
The nickname Al for Albert is going to die out because people will start reading it as A.I.
Please upvote for upvote?
Which GTA has the most brutal Police Force?