Any good religious trauma songs??
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
Songs you think of when someone says "perfect song"?
Songs that have the vibe of this
My friend is suicidal
Why do so many people genuinely get addicted to
what are bi lesbians and why is it an issue?
The world is better with you in it
Why did you and your best friend have a falling out?
Gender neutral names? [Discussion]
Does anyone feel like their harrypotter phase is never gonna leave?
[Rant] I hate myself for being lesbian, and I don't know why.
What helps your body aches?
Creepy man at a hotel
Whose death affected you the most?
Is this home?
Something is not right.
What’s an item that you’ve thrifted that screamed “take me home” for no apparent reason?
I'm stuck here again
My thoughts;
You’ve been here before…
In the children's hospital again
New interesting symptom: anyone else?
How long have you been sick with long covid?
Listen to your gut feeling