Need help deciding between my favorites! All under $600!!❤️ October wedding at rustic venue
Seeing multiple mounds like this in yards in NW Ohio. Is it some kind of insect causing it?
Found in the yard in NW Ohio. Multiple through out.
What is causing these mounds in the yard? I'm thinking some kind of insect but not sure what. Located in North West Ohio
I think I’m getting closer…
My first cozy spot I ever made- my old apartment with all my plants ❤️
Ideas for sprucing up the front stoop?
Dining room window treatment advise?
Cozy window treatments?
What plant is this and why is it unhappy?
Updating Sewing Machine
AeroPress Cover for camping trips!
Dry scalp?
Online leather recommendations
New couch! Smoke smell. Was wondering the best way to get rid of the smell? The seat cushions are removable and you can take the inserts out.
Inspire HR not vibrating for notifications
Waiting on things to dry so trying out this new pattern I drew the other day.
Help with recommendations for landscaping near the privacy fence? Loamy soil type and full sun. Looking for something to grow taller than the fence but not hit the power lines.
Looking to buff up my gear shifter! How do I restore this? It’s a 1996 and needs some love
What is this tiny plant? Came as a “surprise” plant.
My Monstera is yellowing and spotty, please help!
Finished this leather bag yesterday! Not my first bag, but it’s been a while.
One and only queen of my jungle 👑
Made a little video of my wood-burned mandala box by photographing at each step!
I made earrings of my cats! (LaDoll Clay painted with acrylics, ~1.5 x 1 cm each)