On function orders
Do you think LII could be E9?
I am 99% sure I am LSI but I don't relate to Si demonstrative at all.
Do yalls ever just like shut up because you don't wanna annoy people?
Worth it?
INTPs being described as narcissists.
ENFP's which preference type make the best partners in your experience?
How to accurately type?
Is it possible to still type someone with a personality disorder?
Is it possible to get in the middle of two dimensions (I/E,N/S...)
Ask me some questions to type me?
I know ISTJs are supposed to be traditional, but I dont really approve of traditional gender roles
Se vs Si in sports
Ne paranoia
Psychiatric disorders do not exist
Growth Order of Cognitive Functions is Rather Messy from a natural flow of my type
I’m an ESFJ.
Can Someone Explain to me the Different Types of Cognitive Functions?
Are entjs ambiverted?
My Psychiatrist Called Me A Wild Woman. Is This A Real Jungian Archetype?
Dating very inexperienced INTP and confused.
An analyst told me I have a repressed Anima.
What archetype is behind apathy?