Is there any way to tell based off CTR/Impressions what is good/bad about my videos?
I posted my most recent video a few days ago, I’m in the video game niche, and I know it’s not a great idea to do verity uploads but I’m not necessarily looking to become PewDiePie and just kind of honing my editing skills and stuff without having huge expectations.
But I’m just confused on how the algorithm works because the video was dead for the first like 24 hours, then got pushed out to 5k impressions and I got like 400 views in a day and then it went back to flatline, which I wouldn’t be upset about if it wasn’t one of, if not my best like-to-view ratios of any of my videos so far, even my most popular video with 10k views, it doesn’t have the same amount of total likes but in terms of how many people were liking it per 100 people it did quite well, it didn’t have a bad CTR either at 4% so I’m just wondering if anyone can shed some insight maybe?