This weeks KSP video: Elon Kerbin...BLOWS UP THE ISS???
Is there any way to tell based off CTR/Impressions what is good/bad about my videos?
Dusted off the ol KSP this weekend and downloaded, uhhh, a couple mods, recorded some of my shenanigans and made a quick cinematic of it! Let me know what you think and if you'd like me to maybe start a playthrough!
Dimir Card Draw with Rusko is CRACKED! Let me know what you think!
What's the most amount of counters you've seen on a PW before? (This deck will be up on Aetherhub later tn for anyone that wants to try it out)
Introducing Loot Cores! 🎁
Hey all! First MTGA video, I've been playing Arena for about 6 years now and recently been brewing up some super fun builds I want to start showcasing, here is the first one! Please do let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more of this!
Recent Brew I've been cooking up, anything you'd change to make it more annoying? Seems to be performing quite well in Diamond. (Historic BO1)
Help! How did they play Behemoth?!
"Allosaurus had never seen such bs before"
Hello again fellow ATM enjoyers! Here is EP.2 of my Playthough! It's been a fat minute since I played an ATM pack so any tips/feedback is very much appreciated! Much love!
How bad IS baby killing really?
How to demolish hatz players
This is the first ever 100% home-brew deck I've used to get to Mythic, I insisted on making Superfriends good again and it's quite a fun deck to play. Would you add/remove anything?
Hey all! Just started a new All the Mods 10 playthrough and had a bunch of fun putting this video together! Would love to know your thoughts on it and hope you enjoy!
5-year-old develops autism after receiving 18 vaccines in one day
Is there a bug with Silent Gear in the current ATM version?
Is there any such thing as a solo only server?
Looking for a Space game that you're ACTUALLY IN SPACE AND HAVE TO EVEN FLOAT OUTSIDE OF YOUR SHIP, not just on a planet.
Hadanite update for 4.0
Is it normal that the marker for your ship disappears if you walk/ride away too far?
Average 4.0 global chat rn
Done with ranked
great white sharks. beautiful but deadly at the same time.
Battle Pass is great, but it has a lot of elements that could have been done better