Simps and neets are universal problem today
Madlad Iranian woman poses in front of a hijab sign:
The glimpse into a happier time
everyone post your last 3 reddit searches
Muh soyence
What is the best way to find a gf/bf at UBC?
How the Hell...
Why Miley Cyrus?
Any good learning resources for a complete Total War beginner?
Are GTA lV servers still running?
He's a pussy imo. Though I can relate to him. Chat, am I a pussy too?
Once a grifter, always a grifter
Can electric vehicles handle northern B.C.'s –30 C temperatures?
Congrats kid, you're an Avenger now
Happy Saturnalia to all!
There’s Christmas books I read.
The choices an average GTA fan faces
Uncles Rock Incredibly Hard
What is up with people these days
Not that there's anything wrong with that
why does my daughter have a crush on a 50 year old?
Is 40000 rubles sufficient, comrade.