Kleiner Reminder dass dieser Mann unseren Monatslohn in 30min verdient
Tag 29 eines täglichen qp-Memes um den Subreddit zu retten.
Mood während dem 20k Turnier
Mein Freund war einmal auf Reddit unterwegs...
1,80€ bei Rewe.
Was machen Kevin und Rewi?
Das kann doch nicht mehr alles echt sein 💀😭
True Story
GhGehe auf ein Date
Just your average 20 year old keeper...
Faschismus ghgeht garnicht!
GTA storymode takes much longer to load?
The New hero pick is broken, 3 +200k players
Wenn Mutti noch schnell ein Bild vorm Abschlussball machen will:
Will my darmian get his +1 Upgrade if i put him in an evo?
Legend Playstyles?
Holy shit they got Aliens at Southampton
My Chelsea Team after 11 seasons
How am I supposed to sell those players? *Every* deal gets rejected by the player.
Ain't no party like a city party
Never had this much luck with my starter team
Objectives no longer in companion app?
Camavinga has way better stats while being one ovr lower than balde