Hear me out: SM3 but the cinematics are coordinated by Syama Pedersen.
Hear me out: Space Marine 3 but the Cinematics are all coordinated by Syama Pedersen.
A post, from Focus Entertainment.
What should be the catchphrase for the grey knights
New Armour and Weapons stuff
Squirrel hears thunder and clutches his heart
Name her (preferably sth hard, like some champion of the emperor or sth)
Her reaction to seeing my face after our nap
Best hobby decisions you've ever made? (Pic semi-related)
I don’t know what’s more impressive. That he got his hands on an astarte’s bolt pistol or him using it as a rifle.
Toxic player refused to get on extraction for 15 minutes
What’s your lowest damage taken on a full Lethal mission?
Replaying Campaign again just to enjoy photo mode
Custom dreadnought
I did a thing
Leg of my Wurmspat Chaos Warrior. All hand painted with a brush and regular acrylic paints 🙂
Help me name my chapter!
Georgia + Florida hobby shop Discords?
My 5th attempt at NMM. Tips? (WIP)
I was watching Dexter & something clicked with Sam Witwer & Eisenhorn
Showcasing my combat system & editor tool for combo creation. This workflow can be applied for many combat / combo heavy games. What are your thoughts?
My first fully painted mini
What book is this from?
First miniature EVER
Getting into dark angels, picked this up. Any advice?