I'm putting out a hiring call for former pre-k teachers
Is it me?
Rates are sinking further into the gutter
Hey Shippers, I've got some notes as a broker
First 6 months pay
How Highway lies to their customers
Question about Amazon relay
Carrier assure
Just finished my first week of commercial driving. Some candid thoughts:
Moving Brokerages
Any white glove owner operators (they call us "carriers" now)
Brokers new excuse?
Making my way from Portland to Phoenix tomorrow... What route would you take this time of year?
PSA: Pick up after your dog
Random inspection🥴
Do any other OTR guys online shop just to keep sane?
This is why you should give up and park when it snows south of I-40
Fix your damn vehicle
Load stolen in Ontario, CA
Short Contract Relay
Why do Brokers and Carriers not work together more?
Federal employees are essential to the character and economy of the state.
They found someone else, huh?
Jobs After Brokering