Unpopular Opinion: I feel so bad even saying this, but Maddie is not a good actress.
If there was any doubt about Burglars coming to The Sims 4, the official Twitter just posted this teaser
Sarah is stronger than me cause I would’ve started crying tbh😭
Worst fight on Dance Moms?
Sims Castaway Stories
Share your opinion that relates to this👇
Who’s one mom that you just can’t stand
What's a mon that would see zero usage if not for its ability?
That Vegan Dance (Season 7)
Jim and I, ya idiot!!!
Albufeira quer multar até 1.500€ quem usar roupa de praia nas ruas
This made me laugh
Lol Chloe 🖐️☝️
What's the name you use in your language when referring to a common man, a typical person
Yesterday I got the best compliment a language learner can get
slurpuff has extremely evenly spread stats
I need all those subs for research
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy black history month 🖤
What did secondary knowledge or skills do you have from language learning?
this bitch looks like cleopatra
The Sims 1 doesn't turn on? (Bought from Steam)
Do you learn about the people before choosing to learn their language?
So I tried a conversation for the first time
Are there any languages you ended up liking only after learning them?
Mel is the new Seraphine is the new Karma is the new Brand is the new