What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2004) [[1080p]
Tremors (1990) [915x1297] by Laszlo Brunszko
Heat (1995) [1350x2000] by Huan Do
Black Swan (2010) [OC] by Billy-joe Roach
TRIGGER JR. (1950) [360p]
The Curse (2023) “Under the Big Tree”
The Whole Truth (1958) [480p]
I watched The Octagon (1980)
Final Destination: Bloodlines (2025) [2024 x 3000]
Re-Animator (1985) [871x1350] by Josh Beamish
Dirty Harry (1971) [2992x3668] by Tony Stella
The Fugitive (1993)
Let’s Get Harry (1986)
The Chinese Botanist's Daughters (2006) [Chinese] [English Subtitles]
The Chinese Botanist's Daughters (2006) [360p] *English Subtitles*
ABBA the Movie, (1979), Czechoslovakia. Artist: Dyrynr
They Fought For Their Country (1975) [1080p]
They Fought For Their Country (1975) [Russian] [English Subtitles]
Shivers (1975)
I watched "The Three Faces of Eve" & "Lizzie," both from 1957.
Churchill's Secret (2016) [360p]
Five Deadly Venoms (1978)
The Silence of the lambs (1991), starring Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster
The Two-Headed Spy (1958) a WWII thriller
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) - Riddles with Gollum
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Chef (2014) Dir. Jon Favreau