[Horizon] Where do I start?
[Other] Did it though? Did it really change him forever?
Which Video Game Soundtrack Justifies this Pic?
[Discussion] Favourite Platinum/Achievement Hunter youtubers at the moment?
PlayStation come onnnnnnnnn
Curious, what is a hot take about your favorite video game franchise you have that will have you like this?
Is this a place where I can expose someone for being racist?
I’m just going to leave this here
Which tape you grabbing first? 📼📼📼 (ignore the closet dust😂)
Rate my KP3 predictions/copium out of 10!
Has anyone read 'Filmmaker's Handbook' and if so is it worth buying?
TDK or The Batman.
If you could pick 1 person from the past to show any movie to, who would you pick? And what would you show them?
Not including family members, which death do you think Kratos was the most hurt by?
How is this even possible
Reminder… not to throw a lighter into a fire
Name a video games that everyone seems to hate except you
Which song is this for you?
Who is the biggest scumbag out of these 4 characters?
[Discussion] I have lost motivation...
What’s your latest 10? Especially interested in films that aren’t particularly current…
How many plat trophies do y’all have? I have 0😂
How many of your total films have you rated 5-stars?