What're creatures you never see people play as?
I'm quiting and doing a give away I have 34k mush and bunch of specs
Give your species to draw!
Why is nymphasuchus doesn’t have a remodel?
Is it just me?
I got back at playing after 2 years, I only saw the valentine and the spring event, do you think the grysalmogg will come back this easter?
Trading/Selling most items in my inventory
You cannot tell me that there's a thought behind this face (also rate skin plz)
Trading duplicate specs and mutation slots for specs I don’t have because I’m only 23 specs from collector title
Wonder Woman as a sapient whiptail lizard? (Media: DC Comics) explanation below.
Let me rate your mains! While you can rate mine! (Rated from 0-10)
when the spring event will be over the gachas in my inventory will be eliminated? also there is gonna be a way to open said gachas once the event will be over?
Too many terrestrials
is the gorgonychus worth still around 2k?
I know I'm gonna die on this one day so: how much is this worth? Also anyone wants it?
what is the best elder for a no traits kumonushi?
what is the best elder for a no traits arachyu?
day 5 of posting... Luis what are you doing there! Ye I finally got an Arachy thanks to the generosity os some kind user, I will be playing as Luis now that he is no longer near me (Luis is the crayfish's name)
day 3 of posting a photo of my pet crayfish until I get arachyu
rate from 1 to 10 all my CRUSTACEAN skins! please check the inspirations :)
Day 2 of posting a photo of my pet crayfish until I get Arachyu
smol- day 4 of posting a photo of my pet crayfish until I get arachyu ( after this day the photos could start reapeting themeselves, explanation in comments)
Giveaway of 20k mush! 10k for 2 people AND Art contest with 70k prize pool!