If Hulk’s goal is to lift Mjolnir and he’s not worthy, does he just infinitely evolve until he can lift it?
copped this sakamoto figure from the market today
Wolverine distraction
Osot (Doctor OC)
Who has still faith in Nishioka?
RED AND BLU TF3 CONFIRMED ngl im genuinely intrigued what do you guys think
trying out reshade
Turbo Granny
Why doesn't Gordon wear the suit with a helmet, is he stupid?
Genuinely why did sukuna even do this?
KAIRA | ACTION/SHONEN (Cover art for the one-shot)
ocs doodle
found the place
Why doesn’t versus competitive exist is Valve stupid?
How exactly does the jockey even hurt you? All it does is just ride you
Today, I found out spitter can light up jerry can (loud)
Am I the only one recognizing it?
J is for Judgement Bird! I wonder what K is for?
Who is the better copycat character: Reo or Kise?
i really hope project moon never truly goes mainstream because if i ever see someone with a loli pfp say "uoogh child bearing hips" or some shit like that to beta hod design im fucking killing myself
This is how people wait in line in Thailand.
If you could make a combination of two Devil fruits, which combination would you make?
A is for Ayin! Now what is B for?
Defending Tips