Donald Trump the 47th President.
To the people who said that support for Ukraine would stop after the election, how does it feel to be wrong?
I saw this and thought it was rather… interesting
America, you’ve been had.
Will he startWW3 or will he be forever cemented as the biggest clown in the 21st century
We've all been hijacked
Another one
What started the LA fire
“Howdy, my fellow nationalists”.
There are no nukes
US Propaganda
Russian general assassinated yesterday warned about DoD using bird flu as a biological weapon
A lot of communist sympathizers here
Using prison planet knowledge to predict world events
Post to political
Post removed?
Proud of this subreddit
When you’re talking about how rigged the world is and someone says we just have to elect Trump/Kamala
Class action. I know the other post was BS but it actually seems possible.
Can’t use controller on steam
Space Marine 2
Whats everybodys rank and main
How are you guys doing? How are you making it by in this world? What do you predict in the future?