The Dutch "Koploper" trains have a so called "doorloopkop" allowing staff and catering to change trains while driving. Unfortunately these doors are no longer in use.
Scale is Everything
China Railways HXD1C on the move with some autoracks
Waar ontmoeten jullie andere homo's?
Intune Dev Team smoking crack?
Het lukt me niet om belasting te betalen
Tesla floods Dutch used car market amid declining new sales
Took a late night ferry back home. I was the only passenger
Do today's youth (teenagers) play Left 4 Dead 2?
Next Gen Update for Grand Theft Auto V on PC Coming March 4
Hoe zouden jullie hier een deur in maken
China’s New 200kph Train
Just in case you were ever curious to see what saddle tanks looked like on their own.
Cool locomotive in Tokyo
My first train set, Tomix EF81 Twilight Express Starter Set
Changming HXD1C
User gets point for trying
New to the hobby. My first set!
Europese Commissie dreigt met rechter over eenzijdige aanbesteding NS
German tourist detained by ICE in the USA
Tire traction issue?
RTOS vs Bare-Metal for STM32: When to Use Which?
The FS E.428.226, an early 1940s lady preserved for heritage train running, near Santo Stefano Magra (Italy), 2022
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try in bed but have been too shy to ask for?