Looking for some friends for java!
I'm looking to play on a chill long-term Java server.
IWTL how to be more articulate and witty
Chrome just killed itself.
What keyboard shortcuts do you use in your daily workflow that you are great time savers in the long run?
Want friends to play with
LPT: use @@ to quickly enter emails etc. on iOS
Many positions require web design skills too
IWTL to be able to read books again
How do I say no to him??
LPT Use a flashlight to find every shard of broken glass
What if our stock broker gets banned?
20k I've got to invest all in for one time only, any suggestions?
25F, Have no knowledge of investment.. want to begin investing with 50k
Y'all voted already?
How much do you make as a web dev?
How low should I go?
aternos servers are like this
How can I fix this gradient? It feels off but I can't put my finger on it.
How to level schematic or lower schematic
Litematica easy place mode and layer change hotkeys not working.
Looking for more adults to join our new season! [JAVA] [SMP] {20+} {Vanilla+}
A newbie
Guys JUST SHUT UP in a theatre please
my friend who owns a server is being an asshole