is jeff sokol the most famous online predator of all time? id say its between him and EDP445
John Dupee Bathroom Repair
I called the radio show to talk to Gov Pillen today, about this. I got cut off. He was willing to take Federal Aid back in 2020 for the Nebraska Promise but not for poor kids for food over summer.
Has anyone here tried FLStudio on Fedora? All I need really for my work/hobby is mainly Serato DJ and FLStudio. Everything I can nail it pretty much with FOSS. Fedora with a WM is supreme.
Windows 11 or Fedora 41?
Clearwater Chad is great
Watching Aaron miss the morning goal and I caught this gem
Silly Debate >>> She's hot AF.
Evening show numbers looking grim
I feel like Chris gets pissed off when he asks predators if they’ve ever seen his show and they say no 🤣
January 11
The hair tho…
Lee Greer’s Latest RSO Photo
What did it taste like?
When he tasted it
Which predator’s family member would you want to hear from most?
Who’s someone you wish talked with Chris instead of running?
Nothing to report except a greeting.
What did it TASTE like?
Like you Skip, this didn't age well.....
Rob Culbertson looks like an aged cauliflower.
TFW you just got off probation. New year new you