“My T-shirt says tech support because I’m here to provide the president with tech support”
Colors and whites, keep them apart, Separate but equal!
Saying all Asian people look the same is only racist because people act like it only applies to them, when it applies to most monoracial countries
The ending to The Mist was the funniest thing I've seen. (Spoilers for an 18 year old movie)
Coconut water should be called Coconut juice.
Liberals need to chill out
Shortness of breath
NCR Berserkers!! What??? I wish this was a thing in game... Please make this happen.
They should (predicably) turn the power off 1x per week.
Is it normal for Hayes to be here?
I gifted my friend FNV and he said it sucked what do I do?
centricide hq
Roses are red, enjoy your menstruation
If not nazi, why nazi shaped?
Different level of Pain
"I'm tired boss"
2 Story Sanctuary Hills 4x7 Structure
What was something you had a "too old for" phase that you do as an adult?
WWYD in this situation: magical device + need to know date of your death
Black washing is just as bad as white washing part 2
What was somethjng you thought took place recently
Librarians are not responsible for what your child reads, no matter what
Which ending is the best for New Vegas ?
If you judge people by the color of their skin, that is racism
This one is gonna be flamed
Found a cross with a piece of wood inside