We don't want war
Soloku is coming for you. Who are you choosing?
Marrying into a Syrian Family, what to know/do?
Can we stop saying that our reverted spouses revert for us?
My fiancé has friends who drinks , i feel he should not be with such company irrespective of the history or no of years they have been together. Am i being unreasonable ?
It only took one haram relationship
How many prime Arnolds to 50/50 an enraged male silverback?
The pounding session is still going on, no mercy for the takfiri Hezbollah terrorists, and no mercy for anyone who attacks Syria.
Solo Leveling❤️🔥 Anime⚡vs Manhwa 🌀
New constitution is wack.
Hezbollah's terrorist shown his position getting heavily bombed by Syrian missiles in response to Hezbollah's kidnapping of three Syrian soldiers from inside Syria and killing them in Lebanon by stoning. The incident was filmed and published online.
So does no one care that hell is real?
Satans ability to launch a widespread attack covertly
Why is dating so god damn hard
I need some advice please
Honest question
High Druze elder Hijiri says that the new constitution doesn't make any sense and we only seek peace
She doesn't exist bro
Struggling with istimna (masturbation)
What Is the Male Equivalent of the Head Covering (Hijab) in Islam?
What do Hanafis think of Salafism?