Simple Question: How many boss mules do you have?
GMS Hyperion Class Demographic (as of February 24, 2025)
I'm taking on the reduced gear bossing challenge! Anyone else want to join? Wish me luck!
5 year in a row top tier classes when they have been mid for one, (1) patch
Weekly bosses
Behold as I fix the pitch issue(for heroic)
think i hit big
Which classes' sprite animations do you enjoy?
What game franchise is this for you?
Tell me what you think without being whiny
The story used to be ablut killing snails and mushrooms
I like Gley Pt.2
I like Gley
Maplestory Commission - missed one
Something something mules never struggle
Which is the best server (free to play)?
First try solo Hard Lucid clear! For the Glory of Kaiser! (Liberation Genesis Quest)
Why is it Everywhere
My Girlfriend Can't decide which class to select?! HELP ME!!!
Which one are you?
Disregarding rewards, what events in this game have been fun?
Who is this? Wrong answers only
How did everyone's SSF go this time?
1 item per minute