Anvil of disappointment
Is The Old World time period now a Horus Heresy-era of the Fantasy setting? (feat, the confusing steam tank lore)
High Elves Made to Order
The Fancy Lads: in all the old world there are none fancier
If you could completely fill your army with just one unit what would it be
First Fidwog tractor done
Alternative Bodies for Empire Knights Bits?
Harry the hammer!
Look how they massacred my girl
First Mini of the year: Knight of Morr
So the new High elf model is based on the old concept art ..
Why 24 models?
The community after getting another Minka Lesk model at LVO:
Guard strong female character - Nbr 5672...
What are the best looking Chaos Dwarf miniatures available?
6 Million Players Milestone
Forget the rest, new DE Assassin model just dropped! ;)
I want to know where these two guys were when bugs ripped his family to shreds literal seconds later.
I hate building Battle Sisters - a vent
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
I think wonder-bat only works in the DCAU
Why are you eldar?
Think about it
Progress on the Phoenician
Who is your favorite character and why?