A cozy room in pen & ink (OC)
R. Sharath Jois (Paramaguru) and heart attack?
Meltdowns over glitchy software
Practice in the morning
People in Banff don’t look at me
What colors work well with desi skin tones?
Mind is all over the place during practice!
What's your experience with yoga?
Have any of you found friends/commumities IRL who are interested in discussing literature?
Thriving as an INTP
Any INTP "converts" from INFP here?
Why meditation can be so hard for us
People who spend not a lot of time working every week, what do you do with your free time?
For abcds, what were your moms thoughts on tampons?
A theory
YT Channels/other mediums for studying literature?
How often do you come across non-Desi millennials and gen Z'ers who take a genuine interest in Desi culture?
How do you distinguish literary fiction and genre fiction?
What book sticks in your mind for all the wrong reasons?
How do you determine the number of clothes to keep?
Haruki Murakami's After Dark
Yosemite / Canon Rebel T2 - Fuji 200
Why is it considered self hating if a western desi criticises people from India
Do you think desis will be assimilated into American society in a few generations or...
Desis who were raised vegetarian yet now eat meat, what were your reasons and do you keep the dietary preference secret from the people in your life?