I washed my hair 6 hours ago
Birthday outfit
Last Bag Change Before Reversal Surgery Tomorrow.
Freestyle feedback
Butterfly and backstroke feedback please
Nj tomatoes yellow and reddish. Is it ok to eat?
Struggling with mental health
BMT chimerism
What type of larvae is in my (solar aerated) bird bath?
Nj backyard what is it?
Embracing my Ostomy After J-Pouch Failiure
Cover of the death of slim shady
Pulled up carpet and found this…what TF is it?!
What is this growing in my yard?
Nj what is this growing in groups?
Trying to navigate recent diagnosis (father)..
What kind of tree is this?
I have this growing next to a tree. There seems to be a bunch only growing in this section. What is it? Pull it out or replant?
Growing all together clumped against the house. What is this? Invasive? Should I pull it out?
What is this NJ plant coming up?
Hi everyone. My cousin needs immediate help as all treatments have failed so far and we are not ready to let him go.
Disappointed that so many people in my life never check in to ask me how I am doing
I'm losing hope
My father’s cancer is back.
My mom was given 6 months to live almost 3 years ago