What is your ruling planet and what demons do you work with ? Is there a correlation ?
Who are you reviving from the Buffyverse? I can't decide between Wesley or Lilah
My black cats
Where does Jens Kidman rank among the best vocalist in Heavy Metal?
Nazism in Breaking Bad
I’m curious…do you guys put your black rubber on FH and colored rubber on BH or colored rubber on FH and black rubber on BH side?
My heart breaks for Klaus
Christian Bale Gains 450,000 Pounds to Play Sandworm in ‘Dune’ Remake
Scandinavia and Finland Tour Dates Announced
The Shit Ov God just published, whats ur oppinions about single?
Best drummer?
barney is a psychic space nazi fighting giant bugs!!
Can you ask for help from a demon without a formal ritual?
This man is MVP and if you say otherwise stop watching basketball.
If Jokic doesn't get MVP, it's because of voter fatigue.
Do you Agree?
Kraken Model: Mouth finished(?)
Differences in sigils
What band is the most misclassified as nu metal?
Praise for Andras
Does the God Shamash(Sun and Justice god)
What bands have a similar sound to early Metallica?
How do you deal with the existential crisis and uncertainty coming with this practice?
I’ve been laid up In bed for 3 days with the flu. This guy hasn’t left my side❤️