I hate when characters who should live together aren't
little tip for older players out there!
Wondering 🤔
Friend Code List 12
Information about future events
Once in a lifetime
removed collection?
Which pony is best to choose?
i can't be the only one who headcanons that diamond tiara and cheerful nurse are related
Christmas shopping
Does anyone know why this is happening.
So I made my 10th purchase and this popped up but I didn’t get 300 gems like it said… is this normal and I will get my gems later or should I contact the game ?
Oh no she did NOT
Why can't he just live with the rest of the pirates
Is this supposed to happen? 😭
Bingo !
oh my god I love him I need him what comic is he in
Wishlist for the blacfriday sales? I really hope they put the freaking shawobolts and future twilight on the shop
Does anybody owns these ponies? If so can u show me the 3d model?
Ponies of this month so far:)
Throwback to when maneiac was on sale for bits 😭😭😭
I’m so tempted to get scene princess Luna she absolutely SERVED
Is there a place to see all your characters? When I click this it just takes me to the shop