Proof of stalking and willing to harass on tinys behalf. RO violation too
Flashback to the time when the “Dollar Menu Short Stack” had to test run henna tattoos before committing to real tattoos…
Smh just wow
This is one of those IYKYK things, but who else is dying that Tiny used a screen shot of Hippy Momma and said it was Ashley!!!!
3/16 - "Wah, the judge won't let me harass a kid, wahhhhh, she holds me accountable and calls out my gamesmanship out waaaaah." Oh shaddup.🙄
3/16 - ZeroDarkTony having little temper tantrums tonight because Ochoa won't let him play his little mind games in court. Good on her. 👊
His chat does NOT do him any favors, that's for damn sure.
Why’s he hiding his bong smoking? Is it against Rumbles TOS?
Perfect placement 🤌🤣
Firetruck hunny... why you so obsessed with me? Bring whatever you have🤌🏽 I have nothing to hide. I don't lie. I'm a good person. I show grace to those that deserve it. And I'm a fierce mother fucker when it's required. I know I'm on the right track. Nothing you say or threaten will stop me.
Well Firetruck I do believe you are trying to extort me for information. I believe that's illegal. How many accounts do you have? You do you hunny because I have no clue. But then I'm going to do me & take this to the FBI. You're getting to comfortable harassing us. I don't play in the gutter😈
Wait......does Tiny think that the Motley Crue street racing wasn't already known?
"ReCeIpTs" Thanks 🐦!
Keep digging that hole 🕳 mlp
15/3/25 No, Tiny, this is how stupid you are. You play yourself each & every time. The rub is that it doesn’t matter if contacted the Danish authorities or not. It was a threat, & once again proves a…
Tiny are you truly this stupid? It doesn't matter if you actually called/emailed them or not. You posted the link and you encouraged your chat to use it to report Dodge. But you know better right? Just like you knew there was no warrant.
Oh I can't wait for this 🤣🤣🤣
Keep thinking you playing. It's actually proof of your abuse and inciting your chat to do things. There's a lot proof of what y'all call "bait" but actually do!
Your good efforts? Revenge p, extortion and manipulation are Not good efforts.
Actually there's many of us that are willing to testify against you and have proof of your crimes. You are the only liar and the Courts are on to your games! Cry hardy mlp bitch boy!
Tiny you mad because Dodge is living his life and is an awesome journalist. Dodge isn't squirming over false reports and false accusations.
You haven't discovered anything. You have only shown the real you! You are a child predator! You dox, stalk, harass, cyberbully, cyber sexually harass people and call it parody. You are a fool!
What aren't getting is those 25 videos are 25 videos You Made and it's proof of your stalking and harassment. Smh tiny you always do the dumb thing and snitch on yourself. It's hilarious 😂 😂😂
You weren't falsely accused. There's proof! Lots of proof of your crimes!