18F, please rate me honestly :)
Why... just why?
Need help. 2 of these galaxy rasboras are sick. What i need to do next? Any suggestion?
Manager asked the Titokers to get the f@ck out !
Instant noodle, milo & durian.
What is up with malay kid names nowadays????
My office desktop aquarium.
The Proton S70 officially unveiled
A Malaysian Woman tried to flee Australia after crypto.com deposited $10.5 million into her bank account
This is malaysia
How do you guys cope with loneliness in KL?
Laki ketujahi org
What’s one single fish I can keep in this 30 gallon? Need ideas
Some redditors asking me how i did it. So here is the making video.
Suggestions for rescaping my remaining 4 tanks?
Shrimp straight up riding a fish
Move B
Waterfall scape
My last aquarium.
What's that thing?
Just can’t get over the colors in my new bettas
Anything I can do to help it?
My form-follows-function hillstream community