Movies about BPD (borderline personality disorder)?
How much darker does Fruits Basket get
This video is soo funny
Ayame e Mine
I realized another reason Kagura loves Kyo so much.
We are all too nice to each other
Hand Embroidered FB panel :-)
I've gotta say it.
They had a toxic relationship since the beginning.
Great Art, Mid Writing?
Is fruits basket alright for 10 year olds?
Finished series - Final thoughts 🐈
The dehumanisation of people with BPD is genuinely disgusting.
if you were magically put in furuba universe, what would you do?
I don't think I'll ever get over it
Do you guys think Sabaru could be asexual
opinions about io sakisakas work?
What is your opinion of Lovely Complex?
Media like Fruits Basket but gay
How does Akito make herself look so flat? Because in the last photo, she doesn't look flat at all.
Opinions about Peach Girl
I finished it❤️ 10/10 for me. Is there any anime that gives the same vibes with Fruits Basket?
I finished the anime(2019) recently, and I just wanted to express my appreciation for this series.
Princess Tutu is pretty dark for a kids anime