Soy promo, ¿Qué cosas se arrepienten de no haber hecho en su último año de secundaria?
Is sarcasm funnier said with a straight face?
Update: Why I can't date even being attractive?
Why I can't date even being attractive?
Una mina me dijo que ya no queria nada por no saludarla?
When trying to dato im forcing myself always
Por que las minas se hacen las dificiles?
For those ones who went to erasmus/college residence, how did you survive?
I starting yo lose less hair but my hairline keeps pushing backwards
What is the inside of your head like
late physical development?
I can't build muscle
Need help finding personal space at home without being overwhelmed by family noise
Do you also notice hypotonia and late developmet?
How do you date?
DAE noticed that the most stressor we got is the lack of positive social interaction?
Por qué una mina me da señaes, luego me ghostea, me vuelve a buscar y me dice que anda con otro?
Why people want to meet everyone and I don't?
I don't have interest in people until i get social connection
I get stressed everytime i go in a car/bus
Volveriais a hablar con una chica que te dijo que no a salir?
How was your experience living in a residence or in erasmus?
Has someone of you went to Erasmus?
Do you also feel like a late bloomer in life?
Should I do Erasmus being autistic?