⚠️ BUYING sapphires OUTSIDE of AJ is ILLEGAL ⚠️
LF an offer for this FNAF house
LF offers
LF offers for these
Ok what is this. Ajhq you need to stop (small rant.)
Trding Glitter clothing potions.
What pet is this? Wrong answers only!
Lf eggs! Or offers.
LF offers!
Rate the house
I’m sorry, What?
Are these old items worth anything? Like at all
What if I don't have friends that play adopt me lol
Gifting everything because I’m done with AJ…
Trading pets for eggs!!
LF Retired eggs
Help me, LOOKING FOR PETS (read desc)
Trding for eggs
LF eggs
Do you like my egg collection
looking for eggs
gifting before times up !
Final gifting spree!
Should I accept I’m the fros