''some darker arts''
Alien Animes?
What MSG *movies* should I watch before seeing Char’s Counterattack?
Since this hasn't been answered yet is it safe to assume that Scott is teasing Travis Scott's return to fortnite?
Iron Mask is the perfect blend of goofy and intimidating.
Do I have to watch the animes when I'm a model kits collector
Valentine's Day at Gundam Arsenal Base
ChatGPT recommended Aldonah Zero based on liking LOGH
How did anime get so popular?
If you were tasked with sending 3 games to an alien planet, what would they be?
What Do You Think of Tools of Destruction?
Ed Edd n mandy
Dragon ball z is better
Make this look like Bubbles' search history.
Why can’t I commit to a game?
Guess the context
Sony delists PS5 spam games after developers speak out
People really like Mario Kart and Party.
What are some other MS that operate with more than one pilot? (Excluding mobile armor)
Amuro's had enough of the One Year War and wants to reboot the universe from Zero
Guys im tired of being MAN i want to become WOMAN, How do i achieve that Goal?
I’m genuinely wondering as to why anyone would use fist weapons
This is so insane 💀
If money wasn't an issue, how often would you get games?
Ages in Gundam in the nutshell