31 [M4F] #LongBeach - Down to hookup and explore your kinks
What website do you miss?
What brand do you swear by?
What makes you hot?
Best place for a casual first date?
What happened to the one who got away?
What keeps you up at night?
My son wants to go to a 60k a year school, am I the asshole for telling my wife I will not take out loans in my name for him to attend?
What scandal happened at your school?
What do you always have in your pockets when going out ?
What are we not taking seriously enough?
What's a toy that has been a childhood staple for generations, but kids today have no idea about?
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
If you could be a kid again, what would you do?
What movie has the most underrated soundtrack?
What are your thoughts on the movie "Tenet"?
What is something you used to believe but no longer do?
Whats your dirty little secret?
What is your new years resolution?