I didn't get schulic you guys think i get rotmans tmrw with 95 avrg nd imo good ecs
mcmaster vs schulich
Thoughts on Ontario Tech University
Are all the schulic offers out for this round?
GG !!
I’m nervous
Schulich out, but i didn't get it, any1 like me have like a 95 but didn't get it yet with filled ecs
everyone's applications is still application is being reviewed right?
Uoft eng offer
Am I eligible for UofTSG admissions today
Anyone know the difference between application under review and application under review with facult
Does anyone know how this would work?
Have a 95 average and didn't get in anywhere not even tmu eng yet am I cooked
Tmu eng is really taking their sweet time
is a 93-95 average (depending on how they calculate calc) good for rotman tmr round?
Has your uoft status changed?