Best God Awful Movies Movies to watch.
Revisiting 'Kinds': I Think I’ve Found a Better Definition
Could pirates evolve the ability to produce their own vitamin C?
Probably asked before, but to the catastrophism-creationists here, what's going on with Australia having like 99% of the marsupial mammals?
To all creationists in the group, how willing are you to try on reaching a healthy consensus in the name of good debate?
Tiktaalik Wasn’t Evolving Toward Land? Here’s Why That’s Completely Wrong
How and when evolution is triggered ?
Can someone explain which axe is better in terms of melee damage?
My arm got bitten off and I can't find my gun.
Inventory management issues
My printer printed a 2 foot by three foot black page of its own volition and then said it was out of black ink.
Have you ever encountered someone who thought “Omnipotence” means that God created evil?
Creationism Vs. Evolution
Do you think God will approve?
What Came First, Death or Reproduction?
Was Gunter Bechly a legitimate scientist? How about other top ID voices?
Obfuscating cause and effect
Creationist Argument: Why Don't Other Animal Groups Look Like Dogs? Need Help Refuting
The simplest quality roller
Man strips his clothes and jumps into freezing cold water to save a random person.
ELI5: Fizzy drinks not being fizzy
ELI5: Why does honey never expire?
Why we don't see partial evolution happening all the time in all species?