Pre-War Ukrainian traffic lights. The entire pole would light up to make the change more obvious for distracted drivers.
It’s everywhere
Did I do good?
Bonjour, mes amis! It's Dolo and Goody! Got a question for us? Ask us anything!
The late Thuy Trang (1973-2001) in a promotional picture for Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, 1994
Great day of PUBG yesterday. Ignore the casual match I did with my son.
Small Batch Christmas 🎄💨
Hate to ask for help but it is close to the holidays!!!
Kim Dracula Spring US Tour
Been on a hell of a good run lately!!!
Time to try something new
Ronnie is delusional
10 out of 11 ain’t bad.
LJG Coming for Rise Against
r/ToolBand Holiday giveaways. 30th Anniversary Deluxe CD edition of Undertow. Comment to enter.
11 year old son and 8 year old daughter are on the right track!!!
Tonight’s the Night! 😊
St. Pete Show - Who’s going?