Weird stray dog behaviour, aggression or playing?
For Valentine's Day, I'm getting my girlfriend a _______
What do I do if this dingus just ate half a bottom feeder pellet? I fed her food before this
What would you name her? (all names welcome)
What is Menstruation Crustacean angry about today?
Say hi to Sherman!
Introducing Percival
What tricks have you taught your betta (if any)?
Is it alright if I get test strips instead of an API Freshwater Master Test Kit?
School of young bettas in my community tank
Gonna start a new paper-mache wall shark project, which eyefestation variant should I make >:D
Fish Sketches 🐟
Betta fish with popeye and doesn’t want to eat.
What is the most outrageous name for J*mmy that you've seen?
Guess I'll be known as the guy who draws characters with awful knees
Do you think it’s common for dog/cat owners to not research before buying one, or is this just a fish thing?
People who are listening to music right now what song is it?
Picked the saddest little dude I could find
Conformation check for xc
I don’t name any of my fish, but I’m curious what name you’d pick for this little pastel beauty.
"All that? For a single fish?"