Incredible popcorn out of Napa, CA
Finished season 4. Was the point of the school system being introduced to show another way the inner cities were being screwed?
Please Deflate My Ego
Who’s the Sacramento guy?
Help trans youth with gender markers and ID?
Looking for GSD pups to paint!
Can someone explain Wallace's math problem?
i want ur silliest shepherd pics
I’ve seen these posters around DC…i feel like no one is talking about it
Hot take: season 2 is the best out of the first four
The "healthiest meal you will ever eat" starter pack
Taking rest days
What is “responsible” weed use though?
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Jean Shorts
New peogram for aged out foster youth
Sopranos sayings used every day!
Promote a local spot that deserves more business
Coming back to yoga after a long break feels soooo good
For the non traditional teachers, how did you get into teaching?
If you could make one change to The Wire - large or small - what would it be?
Dr. Baloney Checks himself Out
what are your favorite gut health supplements?
Best Nail Salon/tech in Sac