Is the USK Version uncut of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black?
My real enemy when I'm playing Hunt
Joshua Graham-Carry that weight
This is what ChatGPT made for me based on my username
I love this whole "create an image based on my username" thing so much 👾🪻
I can WALK right now! Doesn't even hurt!
I finally made it to Prestige 100! Now I can finally play the game 🤠
It's perfect to me
This year, you've cried, laughed, failed, won, loved. But above all you've learned.
guys it’s happening…
It’s called dawn
"DMC 2 is ass"
Chat why is amygdala here? Am I cooked lol?
Find a girl who looks at you like how momo looks at okarun
This belongs here i guess
I can't cope..
got bored and made this
Vergil 3 on DMD truly made me suffer
God forbid a woman have standards
Bitte holt mich hier raus
I thought we were all here for a showdown
Respektlose Arbeitgeber*innen
Dude, where is my Yamato?
Hotfix #54 (1.6.1) - Patch Notes
Devil May Cry 2 Platinum