What is this that my iPhone is doing when it's showing the battery logo?
Γιατί μιλούμε Αγγλικά
How do you store your phones?
Flea market?
Newest phone collection update!!
Some compositions I made
Some collages I made
Just bought this MacBook Air 2010 for 26€
My room
Should I buy this for 40€ ? they are all untested
what smell/taste that frutiger aero reminds you of?
What’s your favorite phone in your collection?
The different types of frutiger aero
Which one has the most frutiger aero potential?
Did I overpay?
Some User backgrounds I made
Oh I’m bouta have the real frutiger aero experience now….(I’m joking do not flood your room)
Cool frutuger metro gift box
I put nail polish on my lighter and scratched the world into it
What should I add in that spot?
My frutiger aero outfit for the day
Frutiger aero in Cyprus?
Phone repair store in Cyprus